Wednesday, September 7, 2011

EnterpriseOne Temporary Print Files on Enterprise Server

Your EnterpriseOne system may be creating hundreds of thousands of files on your JD Edwards Enterprise Server in a location that is not readily apparent and not cleaning them up...ever.

During a UBE run that involves a version that has Print Immediate turned on at the version level (introduced in TR 8.96) a 'temporary' print definition file (either PostScript or PCL depending on how you defined the associated printer) is created in the location specified in the netTemporaryDir= directive in the [JDENET] stanza in the Enterprise Server jde.ini.

The purpose of the file is to allow the Print Immediate printing of the generated PDF using the printer defined in P98616|W98616O - Work With Default Printers.  The problem is that there is no process for cleanup of the file after it has been utilized.  Deleting the job from the submitted jobs list removes the job record and the PDF but leaves the print definition file.  The R9861101X/R9861102 UBE's that purge submitted jobs doesn't remove the print definition files either.  What you end up with is a very large number of files that are not needed after the initial Print Immediate action.

Oracle's suggestion is to set KeepLogs=0 in the jde.ini but that has the effect of not keeping the UBE logs after the job completes, which is sometimes useful.  It has been suggested to development that either the 'temporary' print definition file be deleted after the file is used (preferred) or the files be cleaned up as a part of deleting a job from the submitted jobs list and/or a part of the submitted jobs purge UBE process.

Important Update (9/8/2011): Changing KeepLogs to 0 (In Server Manager for the Enterprise Server in question - Logging/Error and Debug Logging/Keep UBE Logs = Remove Logs Once Printed) and UBESaveLogfile to 1  (In Server Manager for the Enterprise Server in question - Batch Processing/Save Empty Debug Log = Keep Empty Debug Log) in the Enterprise Server jde.ini will cause EnterpriseOne to retain the UBE logs while removing the print definition file.  I'd still prefer that the software cleanup after itself instead of hacking the UBE logs code but this appears to solve the problem.  Now if only Oracle will make this the default setting.

In the meantime, feel free to go to C:\JDE_HOME\targets\Enterprise_Server_enterpriseservername\temp on your Enterprise Server and remove those files.
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1 comment:

Joel Pinto said...

A lot of temporary Acrobat files are also created at the following location on the batch server
C:\Documents and Settings\srvjde\Local Settings\Temp

Where srvjde is the name of service account that is used to start the JDE services. These files too have to be deleted manually.

Best Regards,