Friday, September 2, 2011

EnterpriseOne JAS and JDEROOT Log Files on Enterprise Server

It is well known that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne splatters logs and temporary files all over the place.  As the application has gotten more complex with added components such as Web servers, Java Application servers, Server Manager, etc. the sheer number of log files generated in wildly varying locations has notably increased and keeping track of and managing all these logs files is a chore.

Here's an example:

Go to your Enterprise Server and open the C:\JDEdwards\E900\DDP\system\bin32 directory, the one that is supposed to contain only the E1 binary files.

Scroll down to the 'J's" and find the hundreds or thousands of jas_nnnn_yyyymmdd.log files (ex: jas_4844_20101114.log).  Delete them.

Now find the jderoot_nnn_yyyymmdd.log files (ex: jderoot_316_20101114.log)  Delete them.

These files are vestigial from some long-forgotten process and are not needed nor useful.  Prize goes to the one who finds the largest number of jas and jderoot log files on their Enterprise Server.  My record is 14,634.

To ensure the log files no longer appear do the following:

Open the file in the C:\JDEdwards\E900\DDP\system\classes directory on the Enterprise Server and comment the following sections:

Figure 1

Once this is done you may have to restart the E1 service to ensure the file is read.

You could try to remove the log files in the Logging section for the Enterprise Server in Server Manager but you'll get the error "The log configuration named 'E1LOG' is defined by the system and may not be removed." when you try to delete the E1LOG log file configuration.

Oracle has been made aware of the issue and they are going to remove this logging in future releases but until then it behooves you to delete the log files and prevent your system from creating them again.

So there's one set of log/temporary files gone.  More to follow.

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mdiddy23 said...

Just remember to do it again when you upgrade your tools release as it replaces the file with logging enabled again.

jxs2151 said...

Very good point.